Mistakes Record Notebooks
Out now on Amazon! Search for 'Mistakes Record Notebook for Qur'aan Memorization or Recitation'. Version A has 114 pages labelled with the Soorah names and information. Version B has blank name spaces for you to customize your own pages and learning. Sample pages From the Introduction: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I have developed this notebook for students (young and grown-up ones) to record any mistakes made in recitation or memorisation of the Noble Qur’aan. I have found over the years that if students write down their mistakes they are more likely to remember them and correct them بإذن الله . I also deduced that if all the mistakes are written in one place it is easier for quick reference. (Unlike searching for different notebooks from various courses and levels or scraps of paper that become buried and lost when you really need them most!). Mistakes can be annoyingly hard to correct especially if the Soorah was learned in earl...